


2014-15 國際扶輪社長 十二 月份 文告



  果你看一下扶輪行事曆,你就會很容易看到扶輪組織的優先項目何在。扶輪年度從7 月開始;8 月是我們的社員月、9 月我們慶祝新世代、10 月是職業服務月等等,把我們的注意力導向扶輪不同的重要主題。  




  在扶輪,12 月是家庭月。回顧我個人成為扶輪社員這些年來,我看到家庭對於扶輪有多重要──以及扶輪對我們的家人有多麼重要。

  內人姚世蕾Corinna 在當了扶輪配偶多年之後,幾個月前剛選擇加入扶輪。我們的三個兒女也全都是扶輪社員。他們全都在各自的時間加入各自的扶輪社。他們全都在扶輪找到獨特的興趣。當我們看到他們找到自己的道路,我們對於我們家有這麼多的家庭成員參與扶輪服務,感到非常驚喜。




2014-15 年度國際扶輪社長

2014-15 RI President’s Message in Dec. 2014



 If  you take a look at the Rotary calendar, it's easy to see where our priorities as an organization lie. The Rotary year begins in July; in August we mark Membership Month, in September we celebrate New Generations, October is for vocational service, and so on, turning our attention to different topics that are important in Rotary.


  It's a great idea to do this, because it reminds us to talk about subjects that we might otherwise overlook during our busy Rotary year. But we all know that every topic on our calendar – from fellowship to our Foundation – is important. All of them are part of what makes Rotary what it is, and what makes all of us Rotarians.


  In Rotary, December is Family Month. Looking back on my years as a Rotarian, I have seen how important family is in Rotary – and how important Rotary can be to our families.


  My wife, Corinna, chose to join Rotary just a few months ago, after many years as a Rotary spouse. All three of our children are also Rotarians. All of them joined their own club, in their own time. All of them have found unique interests in Rotary. As we have watched them find their own paths, we have been struck by how wonderful it is to have so many members of our family involved in Rotary service.


  Rotary gives us something good that we can all do together. With Rotary, we always have interesting things to talk about at dinner. We are all involved in different service, in different clubs, so when we sit down together, we are talking about humanitarian needs of every kind, in every part of the world. There is always something new to learn.

         Our conversations are also a wonderful way to teach our children, through our own actions, what is really important in life. They learn about what life is like in different parts of the world, and how all of us have an obligation to help others when we can. I can think of no better lessons to teach our families than the lessons of Rotary service.

       I hope that in this Rotary year, many of you will encourage your family members to join Rotary, Rotaract, or Interact. Bringing your family into Rotary doesn't just Light Up Rotary – it lights up your own lives as well.


Gary C.K. Huang President, Rotary

International, 2014-15




