





國際扶輪3480地區 總監

林鑾鳳 DG Naomi (百合社)



  國際性活動首推「扶輪聖火蒞台典禮」,經過了幾個月的籌備與匯整,由3480地區主辦,3460、3490、3500、3510、3520聯合主辦,在3/3成功在中正紀念堂完美舉行。感謝召集人AG J.P.及全體籌備會成員的辛苦,加上路跑團隊及單車團隊的加持,典禮圓滿成功。訪台的印度發起人全程參與,大力推崇。另有ITHF組團訪台、德國NGSE歡送會、瑞典D2400 RFE來訪、以及「台灣七地區申請台北市2021-22國際扶輪年會-6位RI代表來台場地勘察歡迎晚會」等活動,都在主委們努力下圓滿落幕,3480地區舉辦國際性活動能力再上層樓!



  緊接著年度重頭戲地區年會即將登場。在主委PP Media帶領下,循序漸進、井井有條,團隊們辛苦協調各項細節,日日召開籌備會議,全體社友皆拭目以待引領期盼。除了來自韓國的RI社長代表,還將有來自日本D2580、韓國D3640、墨西哥D4130、北清萊D3360等代表團在年會期間來訪,委員們各司其職安排接待,期望使本次年會精彩難忘。

  4月份為「扶輪雜誌月」,鼓勵社友們多多閱讀扶輪出版品並積極協助推廣,如扶輪月刊、總監月報、The Rotarian等扶輪叢書。閱讀扶輪雜誌不但是吸收重要扶輪資訊的來源,也是豐富扶輪知識的最佳途徑。除了自己閱讀外,也鼓勵贈送給身邊的親朋好友,既可讓他們了解何謂扶輪以及扶輪做了甚麼,也可在社區推廣扶輪公共形象,一舉數得,何樂不為!




DG Naomi's Message in April



      In March, we had lots of opportunities for members to participate and interact, such as Japanese Embroidery Exhibition, Post-RYLA, badminton championship game, bowling championship game and golf game. With abundant spirit, we're contented and waiting for April's coming.".

      D3480 held “Rotary Flame Relay to Taiwan” ceremony, co-held by D3460, D3490, D3500, D3510 and D3520. Coordinator AG J.P. and the whole team worked really hard to make this event perfect. Along with road-race team and bike team's support, the event in National Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall on Mar 3rd ended in a satisfactory way . The In dian originator appreciated our efforts and posted it on their magazine. In addition, events such as ITHF team, Germany NGSE team, Sweden D2400 RFE team visiting Taiwan, especially “Welcome dinner hosted by Taiwan 7 districts for 6 RI Representative of 2021-22 convention location investigation”, brought D3480 more experience and enthusiasm to hold this kind of international events.

      With Assistant Governors and Representatives of District governor for New Club Sponsor Program's efforts, we've been through Founding Conference of Provisional Rotary Club of Taipei Formosa, Founding Conference of Rotary Satellite Club of Taipei Metro East Glory East, Charter Ceremony of Rotary Club of Taipei Stone Bridge, charter Ceremony of Rotary Club of Taipei Riverside, and Charter Ceremony of Rotaract Club of Taipei Baoan. We are closer and closer to the goal of 15 new clubs and 15 satellite clubs.

     The most exciting part, District Conference is coming. PP Media led the committee team and held every discussion and preparatory meetings to make sure every step and detail on schedule. We'll have visitors to join us during District Conference, such as RI President's Representative from Korea, D2580 DGE's team from Japan, D3640 DGE' s  team from Korea, D4130 representative from Mexico, and D3360 from North Thailand. Committee members made arrangement and accommodation matters for valued guests, trying to bring out an unforgettable experience.

      Theme for April is Magazine Month. We encourage members to read and promote more rotary publications, such as “The Rotarian Monthly”, “Governor's Monthly Letter”, and “The Rotarian”. Reading rotary magazines not only helps to receive important information, but also the best way to enrich rotary knowledge. A rotary publication is also a fine gift to friends who want to know what rotary is and what rotary is doing. Public image could be promoted at the same time in communities.


      The spring is coming and the year of 2014-15 is almost at its end. Fellow Rotarians, please hold your spirit and do one more service and introduce one more member. For ourselves, for clubs, and for D3480, let's light up Rotary together!
