





國際扶輪3480地區 總監

林鑾鳳 DG Naomi (百合社)



  2月是『世界了解月』,我們在農曆年間,快效率組團11名今年度首次浩浩蕩蕩訪問日本2580姊妹地區,甫抵達即接受了總監團的高規格歡迎晚宴接待,相談甚歡,成功地啟動兩地區情誼,訪問團全程參加年會,除了看到台灣3520地區去的RI社長特別代表PP Er的風采,也體驗到台日親善交流的親切。2580地區為日本扶輪社首翹,日本全國的地區現任總監幾乎全員到齊祝賀,場面可觀!鈴木總監在懇親晚會時給我5分鐘的時間上台祝賀,第一次全程用日文公開演講更加拉進了彼此的距離,DGE鈴木喬致詞時加碼說他們會組一個20人的代表團參加我們地區的年會。

  RI社長Gary選在扶輪的生日召集全台7個總監到他家共商扶輪事務並感謝我們情義相挺,對自己任內答應要達成的目標都已經做到深感欣慰!我們也與有榮焉!我送了一個紀念雞的銀幣給他,意指母雞帶小雞帶領台灣走向RI走向世界。午宴春酒杯觥交錯,扶輪的國恩家慶在席間容融!We are the best class!3480是Best District!


  年前在PP Hank的帶領下,本地區辦了一個參加人數最多!贊助社最多!委員最多!扶青團投入最多!反饋最多!活動最精采!公共形象最好!成果最輝煌!影響力最深遠!3天2夜的『RYLA扶輪青年領袖營』,實踐扶輪對青少年的承諾!



DG Naomi's Message in March


 Chicken silver coin gift for RIP to appreciate hen leading chicks


      Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to everyone. Rotary club of Taipei Banga, the 10th sub-district, brought up the perfect ending to year of the Horse by role playing God of Wealth in community service. We now head to harvest year, year of the Ram. Rotary's 110th birthday, Feb 23rd, happened to be during the Chinese New Year this time. Human being lives rarely as long as 110 years old, but rotary club reaches it. Rotary club of Taipei was founded 67 years ago, and it's the base for almost 40,000 Rotarians in Taiwan now . For year of 20 14 - 15 , we ' re working on the goals of 15 new clubs and 15 satellite clubs with everyone's thought and mission together, just as Confucius' saying " Thirty is for a firm foundation".

      February is "World Understanding Month". We organized an 11-member team with high efficiency to visit sister district D2580 during Chinese New Year. The trip began with a high-standard District Governor welcome party as soon as we arrived. Pleasant conversation with each other started successful friendship between districts. Our team attended the wholeconference, meeting RI Representative PP Er from D3520 Taiwan and experiencing the friendly interflow between Taiwan and Japan. D2580 is the leading district in Japan and almost all District Governors in Japan arrived to celebrate. What an impressive scene! DG Suzuki Takao arranged 5 minutes for me and it's the first time I gave a speech totally with Japanese to shorten the distance in between. In addition, DGE Suzuki Takashi promised a 20-member team for visiting D3480 district conference while giving his speech.

      On Rotary's birthday, Feb 23rd, RIP Gary gathered 7 District Governors in Taiwan in his house to discuss events and appreciate our efforts. We took pride in his gratification of our achieving all promised goals for the year. A gift for RIP Gary from me is a silver coin of memorial chicken, meaning hen leading chicks, leading Taiwan to RI and the world. Gratitude and thankfulness fulfilled the lunch banquet, glass to glass, heart to heart.

     With PP Hank's leading , D3480 had practiced the promise to the Youth for the 3-day and 2-night Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, with the most attendances, the most sponsor clubs, the most committees , the big gest Rotaract's effort, the most feedback, the most impressive events, the best public images, the most splendid achievement, and the deepest influence.

      During a series of community service by sponsoring new inhabitant, students and schools, Rotary Literacy month March has arrived. Rotary club of Chung Ho, the 6th sub-district, sends books to orphanages all around Taiwan. P Jimmy with Rotary club of New Taibay Chung Ho Taiwan sends books to Los Angeles. Literacy activities have been practiced domestically and internationally. The 7th sub-district will hold the literacy event in Hualien elementary school library, joining to the literacy practicing line. Without second word, Hualien literacy, here I come!
