2014-15 國際扶輪社長 十一 月份 文告
今年努力光耀扶輪已有四個月,我對於扶輪的感覺比以往任何時候都更興奮。我到過22 個國家、訪問數十個城市、而且遇見數以千計扶輪社員。我看到各種令人驚喜的計畫,而且一再受到全世界扶輪社員所做的精彩的工作所激勵不已。而且我很榮幸能參加各種扶輪活動,從扶輪社例會到扶輪研習會,從扶輪日到基金會晚餐。
作為國際扶輪第110 年的社長,我很幸運能參加其中幾個扶輪社的百週年社慶。當訪問這些服務歷久不衰的扶輪社,很自然會想要知道他們的秘密是什麼──因為我一直注意到服務最久的扶輪社也是最有生產力的扶輪社。這些扶輪社都是大型的、積極的、而且績效卓著。不只如此,這些扶輪社樂在服務。
這就是為什麼經過109 年之後扶輪仍然存在。中文有句話說:
A life without a friend is a life without sun.
2014-15 年度國際扶輪社長
2014-15 RI President’s Message in Nov. 2014
Four months into this year of working to Light Up Rotary, I am more excited about Rotary than ever before. I’ve been to 22 countries, visited dozens of cities, and met thousands of Rotarians. I’ve seen amazing projects and been inspired over and over again by the terrific work Rotarians do all over the world. And I’ve been privileged to be part of all kinds of Rotary events, from club meetings to Rotary institutes, from Rotary Days to Foundation dinners.
Every event is memorable. I feel especially honored when I am invited to share in club celebrations. To me, taking part in a Rotary club celebration as Rotary International president is like being invited to a family event as an honored guest. Indeed, Rotary is the biggest family in the world.
You could say that Rotary is built of service: Each project is another brick in the big building that is Rotary. If our service forms the bricks, then there is no question that friendship is the mortar that holds those bricks together. I see this every day, but nowhere more clearly than at some of the most special Rotary club events: their centennial celebrations.
Being president of Rotary International in its 110th year, I’ve been lucky to take part in a number of these. It is natural, when visiting long-serving clubs, to want to know what their secret is – because I have always noticed that the longest-serving clubs are also some of the most productive. They are large, they are active, and they do great work. Not only that, but they have a great time doing it.
Of course, that is their secret: In Rotary, strong friendships and great service go hand in hand. When we enjoy our work, we want to do it. We want to work harder, and we want to work better. We look forward to Rotary meetings. Even when our lives are busy, we make Rotary a priority – because we want to see our friends, and we want to serve.
That is why Rotary is still here, after more than 109 years. In Chinese, we say:
A life without a friend is a life without sun.
Our Rotary friendships give light to our lives, and it is Rotary friendship – as well as service – that lets us Light Up Rotary.
Gary C.K. Huang President, Rotary
International, 2014-15